Today marks my mother’s second birthday in heaven. My sisters are sharing distinct memories of Mom with me that make us smile. Honestly, some make us weep, too. Regardless of whether you knew our Mom, I’m sure some of these highlights you will enjoy. Humor me as I write while listening to Floyd Cramer. As […]


Today marks the one-month anniversary of my Mother's home going. This month has been incredible. I have been loved on, cradled, hugged, prayed for and encouraged, even by people I didn't know. God sends people into your life when you need…

One step closer to realizing my dream of being an author

You know those emails you get and you wonder how they got your name or another category of emails you may receive and you know its not just a coincidence. Is someone listening to you? Someone is leading and directing your steps. Guess what?…

24 Hours in New Orleans

      This past weekend my daughters and I drove over to the east side of Louisiana to tour New Orleans.  I've lived here my entire life and only last year went to NOLA and just saw a very tiny part of it.  I knew…

The angel with the wrong song

One of my best friends called me today to tell me she had a dream about my Mom.  Now, Mom just turned 91 on Sunday,  so remember that as I recount this dream. My friend tells me that Mama passed away, made it to heaven and was given a white…


Have you ever heard the saying that every time you see a red bird, its a visitor from heaven?  I've heard that my entire life but never really paid attention to its meaning until my father passed away 40 years ago. Now that my Mom is quickly…


Talk about a cliffhanger!!!! Since Mom is turning 91 in a couple of weeks, I asked her if she was getting ready to go to heaven. Her response....wait for it..... it's a cliffhanger friend.....   She responds with, "No," to which…